Saturday, September 8, 2007

How can I ever even begin to be grateful of You, my Dear Beloved Lord, ...

...for all the raptures and ravishing moments You keep gracing me with;

...for all the blessed roads and relations You open up to me;

...for all the radiant light you keep showering on my soul, far beyond my merit!?

Then, O Dear Beloved Lord!

I, as a mere no one-son-of no one, beseech You imploringly

to melt away the last remaining iotas of my wandering bewildered being

into your Infinite Ocean of Mercy and loving grace,

leaving not a single trace of me, not even a shadow or a shade...

For, You are All and Everythingl:

the flight of butterfly,

fragrance of the budding rose,

the blues in the lonely hearts of lovers,

the light of the light of the whole Cosmos and far far beyond...

and my detached part from You, the wandering drop in exile from the Ocean,

desperately longing for falling back where it belongs.


akash said...

" The wandering part in exile from

the ocean....."

How beautiful the wandering drop

feels !!

Can't take my eyes off the light

shining through the drop ......


Dipti said...

Dear Brother.. how beautiful..such sweet touching emotions..

and my detached part from You, the wandering drop in exile from the Ocean,

desperately longing for falling back where it belongs..
